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To flourish, scholarship must be free from external influences, constraints and ideological pressures. This academic freedom calls for a high degree of responsibility, including reflection on the ethical implications of research activities for humans, animals and the environment.
Values and Ethics
The University of Zurich is committed to achieving the highest standard of quality in all its activities. The University’s quality assurance and development system is based on complete quality management cycles, funding measures, the guarantee of an excellent overall environment and the systematic alignment of central and decentral measures.
Quality Development
UZH is committed to the promotion of sustainable development on every level. The Executive Board of UZH and the faculties recognize their duty to promote sustainable development through research and teaching, providing services and engaging in an exchange with the public
The University of Zurich (UZH) is a knowledge institution which operates with a high degree of self-organization and participation on the part of its members. This requires a leadership and management culture that strikes a balance between the freedom that is needed for engaging in research and teaching on the one hand, and the economic requirements of the organizational units on the other.
UZH Leadership and Management Principles
Equal opportunities, inclusion, diversity, and protection against sexual harassment are important concerns for the University of Zurich. UZH commits itself to implementing the relevant policies and recommendations in an effective and efficient manner.
Social Responsibility (Overview)
Gender Policy
Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities
Protection against Sexual Harassment
The more diverse a university, the more important it becomes to agree on common principles. UZH has developed a set of Strategic Principles that define 10 core concerns for its future development.
Strategic Principles
As an internationally renowned research and teaching institution, the University of Zurich forms part of a dynamic global network.
Global Strategy
Generative artificial intelligence AI tools will influence and change research and teaching. The Extended Executive Board of the University considered the opportunities and risks and adopted guiding principles for the use of this cutting-edge technology:
Generative AI
The University of Zurich pursues excellence in research and teaching, and delivers services to the general public. UZH's Mission Statement defines the identity, goals, and role of the University in academia and society.
Mission Statement
The house regulations apply in all buildings and throughout the grounds of the University of Zurich. They contain the ground rules that enable all UZH staff, students, and other users to coexist in a safe, sustainable, fit-for-purpose, and socially acceptable way.
House Regulations