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Department of Political Science

FAQ for Outgoing Students

Here you will find a compilation of frequently asked questions and answers on the subject of outgoing mobility and exchange semesters abroad. Further questions are answered in the FAQ of the Global Student Experience.

1. General Questions

How often can I take part in an exchange?

As part of the SEMP program, it is possible to spend an exchange period of up to 12 months at any study level (Bachelor's, Master's, doctorate). In addition, students can attend summer schools or complete international internships. Students applying for an exchange place for the first time have priority over applicants who have already completed an exchange.  

What categories of exchange agreements are available at the IPZ?

The following categories of agreements exist for mobility:

  • University-wide agreements (GU)
  • Faculty Agreement (FAK), (incl. existing Institute Agreements)
  • Swiss European Mobility Program (SEMP) within Europe
  • Module Mobility (CH-Unimobil Program, University of Konstanz)
  • Outgoing Mobility Minor Study Program  

Is it possible to complete an exchange if all ECTS credits for the degree have already been earned?  

No, an exchange is only possible if ECTS points can still be credited to your degree program.  

Is it possible to write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis during the exchange semester?

In principle, yes. However, it is assumed that you also attend modules at the host university at the same time. In this case, please contact the mobility coordinator and your supervisor at the IPZ in advance.

Can ECTS earned at Summer or Winter Schools be credited towards the degree?

Academic short programs can generally be credited towards the degree. The prerequisite for this is that you discuss the recognition in individual cases in advance with the mobility coordinator at the IPZ and can present an official transcript of records after attending the Summer / Winter School.  

Can I get credit for language courses taken abroad?

It is generally not possible to have language courses credited towards the degree.

2. Questions on Planning the Mobility Stay

What should I bear in mind when planning an exchange semester?

For Bachelor students, the second year of study is particularly suitable for the exchange. The first year of study must be completed at the IPZ. You may also be able to plan a student exchange in the third year of your studies. For Master's students, the 3rd and 4th semesters are ideal for a semester abroad. All compulsory courses must be completed at the IPZ. The application deadline for both the coming fall semester and the following spring semester is January 15. Between June 1 and July 15, it is possible to apply for remaining places for the following spring semester.

Is the information available online presented in person?

Participation in the IPZ's annual information event on outgoing mobility at the beginning of the fall semester and in the GSE Global Experience Talks is recommended. Here it is possible to ask general questions and obtain further information.

Which partner universities are available for an exchange?

The Global Student Experience Search Portal shows all available exchange options. The interactive IPZ map provides an overview of all partner universities.  

How does the self-organization of an exchange stay at another university that is not one of UZH's partners work?

You can find all the information you need on this Global Student Experience website.

What financial support / mobility grants can I apply for?

Students on an exchange within Europe as part of the SEMP exchange program are usually awarded a grant to cover a part of their travel and accommodation costs. Students planning an exchange via a University-wide (GU) or Faculty Agreement can find all current information on financial support options on this Global Student Experience website.

3. Questions about the Application for a Mobility Stay

When are applications possible?

The Mobility Online application tool is open from November 1 to January 15. In the summer, there is a second round of applications for the remaining open places from June 1 to July 15.

What needs to be clarified and prepared before the application?

  • Prioritization of host universities (three priorities are recommended)
  • Preliminary study plan (selection of modules that you would like to complete abroad)
  • Clarification of the financing of the stay abroad
  • Consultation of the admission requirements and necessary language certificates on the website of the respective partner university
  • Compilation of the documents required for the application

Where is it possible to apply?  

All applications must be submitted electronically via the Mobility Online application tool (MobOn). All documents must be uploaded there. The application tool is open for applications for the following academic year from November 1. Exchange places will only be allocated after the application deadline on January 15. An application from June 1 - July 15 for remaining places for the following spring semester is also only possible via MobOn.

I would like to apply for an exchange via SEMP / faculty agreement and via an overall university agreement. How should I proceed here?

Regardless of the type of mobility agreement, three priorities (preferred universities) can be selected in Mobility Online (MobOn). The general application process in MobOn is the same.  

Which application documents must be submitted?

A list can be found on the Global Student Experience website. When applying for SEMP / Faculty Agreement, the same documents must be submitted.

I would like to apply for several partner universities. Do I have to submit a letter of motivation for each priority?

We recommend writing a separate letter of motivation for each priority or, alternatively, going into detail about all three priorities in one letter. As there is only one upload field for the letter of motivation in Mobility Online (MobOn), you must combine and upload everything in one (multi-page) PDF.  

In which cases must a language certificate be submitted?

Good knowledge of the language of instruction is a prerequisite for the mobility stay. When applying for an exchange place, the relevant language skills must be proven (e.g. school-leaving certificate, second mother tongue, etc.). All relevant language certificates already obtained (e.g. valid TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge certificates) can also be uploaded. If a partner university has defined proof of a higher language level (C1) as an admission requirement or only accepts certain certificates, it is the applicant's responsibility to be able to present these in due time. Good knowledge of the national language is an advantage. Necessary language tests may have to be taken in the semester before the application deadline.

The partner university does not necessarily require a language certificate, but will also accept a confirmation from the mobility office of the Institute of Political Science. Where can I obtain such confirmation?

For a corresponding confirmation, please send your language certificates (e.g. language proficiency certificate from the UZH Language Center) by e-mail to the IPZ mobility coordinator:

Is there a template for the provisional study plan to be submitted with the application?

A template for a provisional study plan is available for download on the Global Student Experience website. A separate study plan must be created for each priority. When creating a study plan, it is important that applicants have familiarized themselves with the courses offered by the partner university and have informed themselves about the credit transfer options.

What happens after the application has been submitted on time?

  1. Examination of the application dossier (by UZH)
  2. Allocation of an offer for an exchange place by e-mail (by UZH)
  3. Binding acceptance of the exchange offer (by applicant)
  4. Nomination at the partner university (by UZH)
  5. Application / registration at the university for which you have been nominated (by students)
  6. Finalizing the Learning Agreement (by students)

How does the nomination process work at the partner university?

Nominations are made from March to around the end of June by the mobility coordinator at the IPZ and the Global Student Experience outgoing team. The nomination windows and deadlines vary depending on the partner university. In some cases, nominations for the following spring semester can only be made in late summer. Once nominated, students will receive confirmation by email.

Are the chances of getting an exchange place better if two or three priorities are stated in the application?

Yes, absolutely! The selection criteria for SEMP and faculty agreements apply to all applications. If an allocation for the first priority is not possible, an allocation for the second and third priority will be considered automatically.

Is it mandatory to accept an assignment for a stay abroad?

Acceptance of the exchange place is binding. It is not possible to exchange an already accepted place for another one. The mobility semester can only be canceled for valid reasons (e.g. illness). In such a case, please contact the mobility coordinator at the IPZ, the Global Student Experience team and the responsible coordinator at the partner university as soon as possible. Depending on the time of cancellation, the place may not be filled again. In exceptional cases, a postponement of the mobility semester is possible under certain conditions, but there is no entitlement to this.

How are places allocated?

For applications for university-wide and interdisciplinary agreements, the Global Student Experience team decides on the allocation. In the case of SEMP and subject-specific agreements, the IPZ mobility coordinator attempts to allocate an exchange place to all suitable applicants. This is done according to the order of priority indicated. If more applicants are interested in a partner university than there are places available, in most cases all of them can still be offered an exchange place from the second or third priority.

What should I do if the space offer I receive contains an error?

If the place offer or allocation contains an error (e.g. wrong semester), we ask applicants not to reject the offer but to contact the Global Student Experience first. If the offer of a place has been rejected, changes are no longer possible for technical reasons.

4. Questions during the Mobility Stay

Can the credits be recognized on time if the exchange is completed in the last semester of study?

Recognition of credits earned abroad is possible within the deadline in most cases. Students who wish to register for their degree immediately after their mobility should discuss this in advance with the mobility coordinator at the IPZ. The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences must have recognized the achievements by the deadline for registering for the degree (15 March or 15 October) to ensure that all requirements are met. To avoid delays, the credit recognition agreement, which is drawn up on the basis of the official transcript, should therefore be finalized by the end of February or the end of September.

What should I bear in mind when booking modules at the partner university?

Students must inform themselves independently about the applicable deadlines and modalities for booking modules at the partner university. The admission restrictions and required language skills must be taken into account. Possible credit recognition is discussed in advance with the mobility coordinator of the IPZ on the basis of the completed study planning table and the detailed course descriptions.

The Learning Agreement has been signed, will the achievements now be automatically recognized?

No. The Learning Agreement basically serves to clarify which coursework completed abroad can be credited towards your studies at the IPZ and is a prerequisite for receiving the SEMP scholarship. However, the creditability of the achievements is confirmed exclusively by means of the recognition agreement, which is drawn up after completion of the mobility on the basis of the official transcript. The Learning Agreement is therefore not a binding confirmation of credit transfer.

How and by when should the Learning Agreement be submitted?

Students have up to 14 days after the start of the semester abroad to upload the Learning Agreement signed by the mobility coordinator at the IPZ and the person responsible at the host university to Mobility Online. If, in exceptional cases, there are changes to the courses taken after this deadline, an updated version can be submitted again.

5. Questions on the Recognition of Academic Achievements after the Mobility Stay

What is a Credit Recognition Agreement needed for?

All mobility students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities must conclude a credit recognition agreement after completing their mobility semester. In this agreement, the creditability of the individual modules is bindingly recorded. The agreement is drawn up on the basis of the transcript together with the mobility coordinator of the IPZ and then forwarded to the Office of the Dean. The final decision on the recognition of credits and the conversion of grades lies with the Dean's Office.

What still needs to be done after the mobility stay?

  1. The official transcript from the partner university must be submitted to the IPZ mobility coordinator.
  2. Students must obtain a confirmation from the partner university (Certificate of Attendance) showing the dates of the study visit. This document must be uploaded to Mobility Online.
  3. The experience report must be written and submitted.

6. Further Questions about the Mobility Stay

How is the accommodation organized?

You can find more information on housing on the Global Student Experience website. Links and addresses are often provided by the partner university.

Where can I find testimonials from previous exchange students?

You can find the experience reports in the Mobility Online search portal.