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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Get R_eady: Introduction to Data Analysis for Empirical Research


Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute


The course offers an introduction to data analysis in the transdisciplinary field of empirical (medical) research in the programming language R. The R system of statistical computing is openly available from and provides a simple and flexible software environment for statistical analyses and graphics. Tailored to the application of empirical research the course covers basics of programming and data formats in R, as well as the essential steps of a data analysis including data manipulation, descriptive statistics, statistical tests and graphical representations. Reflections on research methodology and transdisciplinarity will take place and critical thinking will be enhanced.

Target group

Students at Master or PhD level, involved in empirical or medical research. Some Biostatistics knowledge is advantageous.

Course dates

  • Thursday, 11/18/21, 2-5 pm
  • Tuesday, 11/23/21, 2-5 pm
  • Thursday, 11/25/21, 2-5 pm

The course will be held in English.

Assessment / ECTS Credits


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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

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Monika Hebeisen, MSc
