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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

The 3R's and the ethics of animal research


Office for Animal Welfare and 3Rs


Animal experiments are the subject of intense social, scientific, legal and ethical debate. The discourse on animal protection, animal rights, freedom of research and research quality will accompany students of various disciplines also in the future. The course brings up for discussion questions, which medicine, natural and social sciences employ and that must be answered by them in a common effort. It offers the opportunity to analyze complex problems from different perspectives, to critically reflect on one's own views and to exchange ideas with other disciplines through lectures, discussions and group work.The course is designed to help students to form a well-founded and differentiated opinion on the socially and scientifically relevant and current topic of "Science and Animal Use", regardless of whether they carry out animal experiments themselves.

Target group

The course is generally open to Bachelor (2nd year) and Master students of all faculties and disciplines. It is primarily aimed at all those who are interested in ethical and social issues related to animal experimentation and related research. It is also suitable for people who will perform animal experiments themselves or work with data from animal experiments.

Course dates

21. and 22.10.2021, 9 am - 5 pm (online)

The course will be held in German.

Assessment / ECTS Credits


Weiterführende Informationen

Abteilung Tierwohl und 3R

Office for Animal Welfare and 3Rs

More about Office for Animal Welfare and 3Rs

Workshop: Creating innovative solutions for the 3Rs in education with Design Thinking

Interactive Online Workshop

4., 5., 11., 12.11.2021

Participation for members of UZH and Freie Universität Berlin free of charge.

Please apply under:


Ethics of Animal Research - An online course

Ethics of Animal Research - An online course

More about Ethics of Animal Research - An online course

This online course introduces ethical issues of animal research that concern medicine, the natural and social sciences and which require critical reflection by these disciplines in a joint effort.


Dr. Paulin Jirkof
