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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Start! Teaching Assistant Qualification Program@UZH


Educational Development


The Teaching Assistant Qualification Program at the Center for University Teaching and Learning is aimed at all students and graduates of the University of Zurich who want to acquire a basic qualification in academic teaching and related competences such as presentation skills, the use of eductional technology and critical thinking and reflection. It supports them in their commitment to teaching with practical, low-threshold basic didactic training courses and workshops. The didactic skills acquired can be used both during the student’s studies and in his or her subsequent professional career.

The modules are taught as OLAT courses in combination with workshops (via ZOOM or on site). The program consists of a basic module as well as an in-depth module, each worth 1 ECTS credit. In addition, a Summer School is offered once a year.

Target group

The qualification program is aimed at all UZH students and graduates who wish to acquire a basic qualification in academic teaching, especially at those students, who are teaching or are planning to do so. The program may also be completed even without a concrete tutorial appointment.

Course dates

The schedule and dates of the program relate to the lecture period of the Spring and Fall Semester. The modules can be booked via the regulary module booking (course catalogue: «Further offers»; School for Transdisciplinary Studies; Future Skills; Start! Teaching Assistant Qualification Program@UZH).

Offered in

Every semester

Start! First steps into academic teaching 10SMTUT_1


The module includes the basic courses of the tutor qualification program. The content and exercises serve as a basic introduction to activities related to university teaching. The module contains the following components:

1. Introduction. Determination of location and role

2. Feedback and evaluation

3. Presentation and appearance

4. Lesson planning and activation of students

The content is accompanied by a mandatory workshop.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

Start! Academic Teaching: Consolidations 10SMTUT_2

The module includes the in-depth courses of the Tutor Qualification Program. On the one hand, the in-depth module is divided into online courses. These address more (subject-)specific requirements such as an introduction to online teaching or the use of playful elements in university teaching (gamification). On the other hand, they are conducted in the form of online and face-to-face workshops on topics such as "performance skills," "creating learning videos," and "using activating methods in the classroom.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

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Teaching Assistant Qualification Program "Start!"

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