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Biodiversity, permafrost or particle physics: Thanks to the intensive collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine and the University's hospitals, the Faculty of Science is one of the world's most highly regarded research institutions.
Thanks to a generous donation from the Irene M. Staehelin Foundation, the University of Zurich can expand its research on discrimination and violence
In common marmosets, the brain regions that process social interactions develop very slowly, extending until early adulthood, like in humans. During
A new study shows that increasing plant diversity in agriculture can be used to improve the carbon sequestration potential of agricultural soils. As
More than 800,000 km2 of the Arctic were affected by human activity in 2013, according to an analysis of satellite-derived data on artificial light
Pesticides aren’t always necessary: researchers at the University of Zurich have conducted a comprehensive field study showing that damage from
The UZH Space Hub leverages its strong interdisciplinary research and international network to help advance the fields of remote sensing,
Remarkable fossil evidence of an ancient sea cow being preyed upon by a crocodile and a shark offers fresh insights into the predation tactics and
University of Zurich
Faculty of Science
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich