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Welcome to the University of Zuerich


Shaping the Future

Seven faculties, over 150 departments and more than 200 study programs: benefit from the interdisciplinary and pioneering spirit of Switzerland’s largest university.

Education at the Cutting-Edge

The teaching at UZH is varied, dynamic and high quality, designed to meet the needs of a rapidly changing society with innovation and creativity.

Research Excellence

Imagination, daring, patience and determination are vital to shed light on scientific unknowns and make breakthrough discoveries. For this, freedom and space to reflect and question are required.

Exhilarating Variety

UZH encompasses a huge breadth of differing but mutually stimulating perspectives, ways of thinking and academic milieus. Our knowledge and findings are made to be shared: let yourself be inspired.

Current Events

Lectures, guided tours, panel discussions – find out what our researchers are working on in our public events.


Buildings Closed

The university buildings will remain closed during the Christmas and New Year period, from Tuesday, 24 December 2024 to Sunday, 5 January 2025. Study spaces are available for students in the libraries.

Museums partially open

Our museums are open much of the time between Christmas and New Year. We look forward to welcoming visitors during the holiday period.

Teach at High School?

Spread knowledge and support young people: info event about the teaching diploma and getting into teaching on Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 6:30-8:00pm (online). Register now!

Growing Up Happy

Our childhood lays the foundation for a happy life. The UZH Magazin shines a light on what it takes for children to grow up happy.

Podcast “Erleuchtung garantiert”

Unerfüllter Kinder­wunsch, Antisemi­tismus oder Einhörner & Dating: Zwei Mal im Montat spricht Religions­wissen­schaftlerin Dorothea Lüddeckens mit Kolleg:innen und Gästen über ihre Forschung und ihre Per­spek­tiven auf Spiritua­li­tät, Religion und die Welt.


  • Sun, 22.12.
    11:30 Uhr
    Sonntagsführung: Masterpieces – Die Kunst der Natur (ab 10 J.)
  • Sun, 22.12.
    14:00 Uhr
    Familien-Workshops: Dinosaurier – damals und heute, lange Hälse
  • Sun, 22.12.
    15:00 Uhr
    Familien-Workshops: Dinosaurier – damals und heute, lange Hälse
  • Sun, 29.12.
    11:30 Uhr
    Sonntagsführung: Entdecke das Verstecken – die Tarn-Tricks der Tiere
  • Sun, 29.12.
    14:00 Uhr
    Familien-Workshops: Dinosaurier – damals und heute, Zahn und Stachel
  • Sun, 29.12.
    15:00 Uhr
    Familien-Workshops: Dinosaurier – damals und heute, Zahn und Stachel
  • Thu, 2.1.
    10:00 Uhr
    Öffentliche Präsentation und Verkauf des Neujahrsblatts der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Zürich 2025: "Biodiversität im Park der Universität Zürich-Irchel"

Planning to Join Us from Abroad?

The University of Zurich is home to students and staff from over 120 countries. Find out more about our diverse and inspiring learning, research and working environment.

UZH Condemns Events in the Middle East Conflict

We observe the developments in the Middle East with great concern and call on all parties involved to respect international humanitarian law, particularly the duty to protect civilians.

Solidarity with Ukraine

Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine lasts on. UZH continues to support refugees, people affected, and UZH members.