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Mobility within Switzerland – Outgoing

Studying at Another Swiss University

As a student at the University of Zurich, the mobility program provides you with the opportunity to also study at another university in Switzerland. There is little administration involved as you remain matriculated at the University of Zurich and pay your tuition fees here. We encourage you to use the opportunity to discover another linguistic and cultural region, improve your language skills, benefit from an extended range of courses, and make new contacts.


The first step is to consult the course catalogue of your host university to find out the semester dates and registration deadlines and the range of courses available in your preferred exchange semester. On this basis, you can put together a preliminary study plan. In order to ensure that your academic achievements will be recognized, please discuss your plans with the Student Advisory Services and the mobility supervisor responsible for your subject.

Mobility at Bachelor's level is only available after completion of an assessment; at Master's level it is available from the very start, i.e. from the first semester. Rules for registration (such as deadlines) follow those of the host university. The exception is CH-Unimobil.

Types of Mobility

The organization and registration for the mobility options "Module Mobility/Studying at More Than One University" and "Mobility in a Minor Study Program" is done by the outgoing students themselves directly at the host university. Both options are not available in each of the Swiss universities.

The registration for the CH-Unimobil program is done directly at UZH within the given deadlines. The CH-Unimobil program allows for mobilites to each of the Swiss universities.

The most common type of mobility is “module mobility” (also known as “individual course attendance” or “studying at more than one university”). Module mobility allows you to take individual courses at other Swiss universities and receive a transcript of records at the end of the semester.

Students majoring in study programs at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Faculty of Theology have the opportunity to study and complete their minor study program in full at another Swiss university. The option “External minor subject program” can be selected by new students when registering on the application portal or by matriculated students by changing the study program. If you're interested in this type of mobility, please be sure to discuss necessary steps with the dean's office of your faculty in due time and draw up a learning agreement if required.

Mobility students on the CH-Unimobil program can study at another university for one or maximum two semesters.


Please send your application for an exchange (indicating whether it is for one or two semesters) to the Student Administration Office during the official application period using the CH-Unimobil Application Form (in German only) (PDF, 30 KB).

We will then nominate you to your preferred host university. As soon as your nomination has been confirmed, the Student Administration Office will provide you with details in writing of your admission. All other information about your exchange will be sent to you by your host university.

Application deadlines

Fall Semester

31 March (*)

Spring Semester

15 October (*)

(*) Medical students visiting the University of Lausanne can only register for the Fall or Spring semester once a year until 10 February at the mobility coordination of the Faculty of Medicine.

Non-consecutive students at Master's level, who want to use their first semester at UZH for an outgoing-mobility in the CH-Unimobil program, have to be admitted to study at UZH by the end of the above mentioned application deadlines already, for their mobility application to be accepted.

Requests to extend your current stay by a second semester must be submitted to the Student Administration Office within the official application period.

If you plan a mobility semester to the University of St. Gallen in the CH-Unimobil program, please be aware, that the University of St. Gallen requires a minimum amount of booked modules per mobility semester for incoming students in this program of at least 16 ECTS.

Students interested in visting the University of Lucerne in the mobility semester must book at least two modules per semester during the mobility exchange.

International Student Mobility

If you are interested in international mobility, please consult the Global Student Experience website to find out more about the requirements and opportunities for international exchanges.

Weiterführende Informationen

Mobility in Switzerland: Incoming

Exchange of Data on Student Achievement ETH Zurich – UZH

For information regarding the exchange of data on student achievement between ETH Zurich and UZH, please refer to our info sheet:

Merkblatt Leistungsdatenaustausch ETH - UZH EN


Mobility in Switzerland
Student Administration Office
Rämistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zürich
Tel. +41 44 634 22 17