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Conditions of Employment

Policies of the University of Zurich

The University of Zurich’s policies are based on the values of freedom of research and teaching, diversity, responsibility, integrity and respect. These principles serve as guidelines for behavior and interactions within the university community and are intended to promote an open, respectful and productive working environment.
Policies of UZH

Working Hours

The University of Zurich offers options for full-time and part-time working with flexible working hours. For a full-time position, the working hours are generally 42 hours per week, i.e. 8 hours 24 minutes per day. Special conditions apply to certain professional areas.

If a member of staff works more than the given number of hours, they can compensate the positive balance of hours in the form of additional days off up to a maximum of 15 complete working days per calendar year.


Employees are entitled to the following amount of paid vacation per calendar year:

Up to and including the calendar year of an employee’s 20th birthday, and as an apprentice/trainee

27 days

From the beginning of the calendar year of an employee’s 21st birthday

25 days

From the beginning of the calendar year of an employee’s 50th birthday

27 days

From the beginning of the calendar year of an employee’s 60th birthday

32 days


Most employees are employed according to public law based on the employment act of the Canton of Zurich. External instructors are employed according to private law.

Employment relationships are governed by the Canton of Zurich’s employment act (Personalgesetz, PG), the employment ordinance (Personalverordnung, PVO) and the implementation ordinance of the employment act (Vollzugsverordnung zum Personalgesetz, VVO), and the employment ordinance of the University of Zurich (Personalverordnung, PVO-UZH). Appointments under private law are governed by the Swiss Code of Obligations (Obligationenrecht, OR).
UZH Employment Ordinance (PVO-UZH) (in German)
Canton of Zurich Employment Act (PG) (in German)
Canton of Zurich Employment Ordinance (PVO) (in German)
Canton of Zurich Implementation Ordinance of the Employment Act (VVO) (in German)
Swiss Code of Obligations (OR)


Salaries are based on the salary system of the Canton of Zurich for public-law employment. Individual salaries are determined according to the role and the employee’s experience and qualifications. There are fixed salary classification guidelines for academic positions and teaching appointments.
Salary System of the Canton of Zurich (in German)
Guidelines for the Classification of Academic Positions at UZH
Remuneration Rates for Teaching Appointments at UZH (PDF, 31 KB)

Equal Pay Analysis at the University of Zurich

The equal pay analysis at the University of Zurich is repeated on a regular basis. Please find the details of the current analysis here:
UZH Equal Pay Analysis 2023


Our employees are insured with the pension fund of the Canton of Zurich (BVK). Junior academics, student assistants, and resident and attending physicians are insured with the Verband Schweizerischer Assistenz- und Oberärztinnen und -ärzte (VSAO) pension fund.
Pension Fund of the Canton of Zurich (BVK) (in German)
VSAO Pension Fund (in German)