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No, applications cannot be submitted late. Please see the application deadlines.
Exception: Students with a Swiss university entrance qualification applying to a Bachelor’s degree program can apply late for an additional fee of CHF 300.00, with the application accepted until 31 July for the Fall Semester or 31 January for the Spring Semester (not available for students applying to a Bachelor’s degree program in medicine).
The application deadlines for students subject to visa requirements must be met in order for students to receive a timely decision on admission for the visa application. If you do not meet the deadline, we recommend that you apply for a later semester.
Please note: For doctoral candidates subject to visa requirements who have been offered a position for their doctoral studies, the visa will generally be requested by the University of Zurich (in this connection, please contact the corresponding faculty or graduate school). The decision on admission generally does not have to be included with the corresponding visa application, meaning the application can be submitted after the application deadline for students subject to visa requirements.
Apply for the following semester. After receipt of the notice of admission, you can – with the approval of the relevant faculty – retroactively matriculate for the corresponding semester. Please see the information on the website Application Deadlines.