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Submitting Pending Documents

Can application documents be submitted retroactively after the end of the application period?

Your application must be submitted by the application deadline together with the mandatory documents (marked with a * in the application form). Additional documents that are not yet available when the application is submitted can be submitted retroactively after the application deadline. However, missing documents will result in a delay in the application process. This does not include the following two documents:

  • Applicants without a visa requirement can submit alanguage certificate after admission, but only up to one week before the start of the courses. Otherwise, matriculation is not possible. Please note: All applicants with a visa requirement must submit a language certificate by the application deadline for applicants with a visa requirement at the latest.
  • Applicants to a Master’s or teaching diploma program, or doctoral studies can submit their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree after matriculation if they are admitted (for students admitted for the Fall Semester, by no later than 30 September; for students admitted for the Spring Semester, by no later than 15 March). The student will be withdrawn from the university if the relevant degree is not submitted.

I am applying for a Master’s program in business and economics. When is the latest I can submit the GMAT/GRE score report?

If you indicated in your application form that you want to submit a GMAT/GRE score report, your application will not be forwarded to the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics for an application assessment until we have received the GMAT/GRE score report from the provider (GMAC/ETS). The later we receive the score report, the more the application process will be delayed. Please note that the time to process an application after all of the documents have been received is generally up to three months.

Weiterführende Informationen

Further Questions?

Information about submitting application documents can also be found at:


Is your question still not answered? Please contact the

Student Administration Office
(Bachelor's level, Swiss qualification)
or the
Admissions Office
(Bachelor's level, foreign qualification; Master's and doctoral level, teaching diploma program, all qualifications)