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UZH Teaching Award

A good university teacher inspires, sparks curiosity and makes complex subjects accessible. Since 2007, UZH has been recognizing excellence in teaching through the teaching award. Here you can find out more about how our award winners enthuse and inspire their students. (content in German)

Teaching Award Survey

It is important to us at UZH to have a broad discussion about quality in teaching. Annually in November, we therefore ask students to nominate their favorite instructors for the Teaching Award. Each year, the teaching award has a new motto that highlights a particular aspect of teaching. The UZH Award for Best Teaching is endowed with CHF 10'000.

The prize is awarded in a three-stage process:

  1. Students nominate potential award winners in an online survey.
  2. The student votes received are statistically analysed by Educational Development.
  3. A jury comprising representatives of the University of Zurich Student Association (VSUZH) and the Vice President Education and Student Affairs pick the winner. The jury's decision is based on the quality of the open reasons given by the students for their choice.


Weiterführende Informationen

Presentation at the Dies academicus

The Teaching Award is presented every year by the Vice President Education and Student Affairs at the Dies academicus, the anniversary of the founding of the University of Zurich.


Educational Development
Team Community
Dr. David Schmocker
