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Extended Executive Board of the University

The Extended Executive Board of the University is the body responsible for all academic matters at UZH (University Act § 32).


Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman, President

Vice President Research

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Stark

Vice President Education and Student Affairs

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Siegert

Vice President Faculty Affairs and Scientific Information

Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger

Vice President Medicine

Prof. Dr. Beatrice Beck Schimmer

Vice President Finances

M.A. HSG Daniel Hug

Vice President Real Estate and Facility Management

Dipl. Bauing. MAS REM François Chapuis


  • Prof. Dr. Michael Coors (Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion)
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Gächter (Faculty of Law)
  • Prof. Dr. Harald Gall (Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology)
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Rühli (Faculty of Medicine)
  • Prof. Dr. Roger Stephan (Vetsuisse Faculty, Zurich)
  • Prof. Dr. Katharina Michaelowa (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Roland Sigel (Faculty of Science)

Representative Body of Students

  • Seraina Eisele
  • Sébastian Margot

Representative Body of Junior Researchers

  • Jessy Duran Ramirez
  • Dr. Philip Zimmermann

Representative Body of Senior Researchers and Teaching Staff

  • PD Dr. Valerie Treyer
  • Prof. Dr. Marco Giesselmann

Representative Body of Administrative and Technical Staff (ATP)

  • Ruth Hunkeler-Wittleder
  • Dr. Katayoun Safi

General Secretary's Office

  • Dr. Rita Stöckli (General Secretary, advisory capacity)
  • Dr. Sandra Engler (Secretary, advisory capacity)

Chair of the Gender Equality Commission

Prof. Dr. Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina

General Counsel

Isabella Balmer, lic. iur. LLM (advisory capacity)

Head of Communications

Martin Nellen (advisory capacity)

CIO Central IT

Thomas Sutter (advisory capacity)

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Dr. Sandra Engler, Deputy
Secretary General
Künstlergasse 15
CH-8001 Zurich
Phone +41 44 634 22 40