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Endowed Professorships of the UZH

Endowed Professorship Holder Faculty Donor Amount Duration
Assistant professorship for Behavioral Economics of Financial Markets Ambühl, Sandro WWF UBS Foundation
of Economics in Society
CHF 13,000,000 permanent
Assistant professorship for Clinical Research of Complex Movement Disorders and Parkinson's Disease Balint, Bettina MeF Hurka-Stiftung CHF 375,000 6 yrs.
Assistant professorship for Cancer Epidemiology and Care (Giorgio Noseda Professorship for Cancer Epidemiology and Care) Bastiaannet, Esther MeF Stiftung Haus der Schweizerischen Krebsliga CHF 5,000,000 20 yrs.
Assistant professorship for Palliative Care Blum, David MeF Margrit Weisheit-Stiftung CHF 3,000,000 6 yrs.
Assistant professorship for Economics of Child and Youth Development with a Focus on Breastfeeding N.N. WWF Larsson-Rosenquist Stiftung CHF 7,000,000 30 yrs.

Associate Professorship of Development Economics

Casaburi, Lorenzo WWF UBS Foundation
of Economics in Society
Part of the funding of the 5 professorial chairs in the amount of CHF 65,000,000  
Full professorship for Globalization and Labor Markets Dorn, David WWF UBS Foundation
of Economics in Society
CHF 13,000,000 permanent
Associate professorship for the Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hémous, David WWF UBS Foundation
of Economics in Society
CHF 13,000,000 permanent
Associate professorship ad personam in Management with a Focus on the Future of Work Howe, Lauren C. WWF Adecco Group Foundation / Part of the total funding for a competence center "Research Center for the Future of Leadership and People Management" CHF 3,000,000 6 yrs.
Associate professorship for Democracy Research
and Public Governance
Kübler, Daniel PhF City of Aarau CHF 785,000
per yr.
Unicef Assistant professorship in Economics of Development and Child Welfare Jain, Ronak WWF Excellence Foundation Zurich for Economic and Social Research CHF 5,000,000 25 yrs.
Full professorship for Neurorehabilitation
and Cerebrovascular Neurology
Luft, Andreas MeF P & K Pühringer Gemeinnützige Stiftung CHF 10,000,000 10 yrs.
Associate professorship ad personam
for Computer-aided Restorative Dentistry
Mehl, Albert Christof MeF Sirona Dental Systems GmbH CHF 2,500,000 12 yrs.
Full professorship for Biomedical Image Analysis and Machine Learning Menze, Bjoern H. MeF/MNF Helmut Horten Stiftung CHF 10,000,000 10 yrs.
Assistant professorship for Implementation Science in Nursing Naef, Rahel MeF Careum Stiftung und ZHAW CHF 2,200,000 6 yrs.
Assistant professorship in Newborn Neurodevelopment, Growth and Nutrition Natalucci, Giancarlo MeF Larsson-Rosenquist Stiftung CHF 20,000,000 30 yrs.
Full professorship for Molecular Biology Pelkmans, Lucas MNF Ernst Hadorn-Stiftung CHF 250,000
per yr. 
31 yrs.
Associate professorship ad personam
for Spiritual Care
Peng-Keller, Simon TRF Churches of Canton of Zurich (Landeskirchen) CHF 200,000
per yr.
6 yrs.
Associate professorship ad personam for Applied Microeconomics Pomeranz, Dina WWF UBS Foundation
of Economics in Society
Part of the total funding of the 5 professorial chairs in the amount of CHF 65,000,000  
Full professorship for Economics of Institutions Scheuer, Florian WWF UBS Foundation
of Economics in Society
CHF 13,000,000 permanent
Full professorship for the Sociology of the
Development of Children and Adolescents
Shanahan, Michael J. PhF Jacobs Foundation CHF 9,000,000 20 yrs.
Associate professorship ad personam
for Clinical Developmental Psychology
Shanahan, Lilly PhF Jacobs Foundation CHF 3,000,000 20 yrs.
Assistant professorship for Coronary Heart Disease, Sheikh Khalifa endowed professorship Stähli, Barbara Elisabeth MeF Sheikh Khalifa Foundation for Cardiovascular Research CHF 1,242,000 6 yrs.
Full professorship for Macroeconomics and Financial Markets Voth, Hans-Joachim WWF UBS Foundation
of Economics in Society
CHF 13,000,000 permanent
Full professorship for Economics of Corporate Culture, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Weber, Roberto WWF Credit Suisse CHF 3,000,000 10 yrs.
Associate professorship of Economics of Child and Youth Development Zölitz, Ulf WWF Jacobs Foundation CHF 2,500,000 20 yrs.
TRF = Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion
RWF = Faculty of Law
WWF = Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
MeF = Faculty of Medicine
VSF = Vetsuisse Faculty
PhF = Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
MNF = Faculty of Science