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  • The effect of certain genes on the zebrafish larvae - for example on the retina - is analyzed. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • Zebrafish are used worldwide as model organisms in basic research – also at UZH. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • The zebrafish are kept in plastic containers, of which there are dozens in neurobiologist Stephan Neuhauss' lab. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • One of the diverse advantages of zebrafish as model organisms: their husbandry is simple. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • Zebrafish have an elongated, slender body and reach a maximum length of 5 cm. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • For the examination, the zebrafish must be fished out of the container with a net. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • To breed zebrafish lines with specific genetic traits, the eggs are sorted out under the microscope. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • Precision work is required from the researchers when selecting individual fish eggs for further breeding. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • The development of zebrafish larvae is made visible in the fluorescence microscope. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • When sorting out fish eggs under the microscope, colored light is used to make the differences between the eggs more visible. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • The effect of certain genes on the zebrafish larvae - for example on the retina - is analyzed. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

  • Zebrafish are used worldwide as model organisms in basic research – also at UZH. (Image: Frank Brüderli, UZH)

Using Zebrafish to Research Human Diseases

Zebrafish may only measure a few centimeters, but they’re invaluable for conducting basic research. Neurobiologist Stephan Neuhauss uses the unassuming animals as model organisms to investigate fundamental biological processes such as eye development as well as disorders of the eye and brain.

Zebrafish are small, sturdy and easy to keep. They are very fertile and their embryos are transparent, which makes it possible to observe how cells and organs develop. These characteristics and their genetic similarity to humans have promoted zebrafish to one of the most widely used model organisms in genetic and developmental biology research.

Zebrafish eyes similar to those of humans

Stephan Neuhauss and his team at the Department of Molecular Life Sciences conduct research on zebrafish. The researchers’ focus is on the zebrafish eye and the genes that are required for the development and functioning of the animals’ visual organ. From a very early stage, zebrafish have excellent eyesight. The sensory cells in their retina work in a very similar way to those in the human eye, since these fish are also active during daylight. This makes zebrafish ideal objects of research to find out how the eyes and brain work together and to investigate the causes of eye disorders.

Preventing retina degeneration

The researchers thus bred a line of fish in which the gene for a key transport protein in the retina was eliminated. This resulted in a visual pigment no longer sufficiently regenerating, which in turn means that the retina in these modified fish gets thinner as they age. The animals thus exhibit signs of retina degeneration as observed in humans, which can also be linked to mutations of the same gene. The scientists’ long-term goal is to find new diagnostic methods and therapeutic approaches for hereditary eye diseases.

Elucidating genetic causes of epilepsy

Another key part of zebrafish research is on examining the genetic causes of epilepsy. The researchers’ attention here is focused on a protein that regulates the length and scope of neural activity in the brain by removing glutamate between nerve cells. If this protein is damaged, the neural transmitter accumulates in the synaptic gaps and the stimulation of brain networks is thrown off balance.

Curbing overstimulation in the brain

This kind of neural overstimulation can also be observed in lines of zebrafish in which the genetic blueprint for the relevant protein has been eliminated. Recurring spontaneous seizures or triggered by light occur in the brains of zebrafish larvae – comparable to epileptic seizures in humans. As a result, these fish behave very differently to their genetically unmodified counterparts. The researchers’ next goal is to curb this overstimulation in the brain.

In his latest project, Stephan Neuhauss plans to develop a zebrafish model to investigate malignant brain tumors in children and test new drugs for effective treatments.

Weiterführende Informationen

Neuhauss research group

Prof. Dr. Stephan Neuhauss
Department of Molecular Life Sciences
University of Zurich