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University Research Priority Programs

The University of Zurich runs University Research Priority Programs (URPP) to underpin its position among the world’s leading research institutions. These programs create and promote outstanding interdisciplinary networks and support promising early-career researchers in areas that benefit society.

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Highlights of the URPP 2nd Series

The eight University Research Priority Programs that started in 2013 are concluding at the end of 2024. We take a look back at some of the programs' highlights:

UZH News: URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging
UZH News: URPP Evolution in Action
UZH News: URPP Financial Market Regulation
UZH News: URPP Artificial Photosynthesis
UZH News: URPP Language and Space
UZH News: URPP Translational Cancer Research


Weiterführende Informationen

For Researchers

More information on URRPs can be found on the UZH for Researchers website.
