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Board of the University

The Board of the University is the highest governing body of the University. The Board is responsible for strategic decisions and the direct oversight of the University. (University Act (in German)  § 29)

Silvia Steiner, President

"The University of Zurich is a beacon in national and international higher education, and our canton can be proud of the University’s practiced excellence. As President of the Board of the University and as Minister of Education, I am committed to further strengthening Zurich as a place of higher learning. Research and scholarship provide the foundation for innovation. Or, phrased differently: Our society and economy rely on impulses from universities in order to develop positively and to find the best answers to today’s pressing questions."

Peter E. Bodmer

“In the age of digitalization – where almost all knowledge is available online – it is all the more important that we promote ‘out-of-the-box thinking’ and interdisciplinary cooperation to not only maintain but increase the Zurich economic region’s innovative power and the international edge that comes with it.

My vision for the University of Zurich is for it to help shape a space of interconnected knowledge. A space where transdisciplinary work lets borders blur. A space where people come together and ideas thrive. The focus should always be on the matter that is being analyzed and investigated, never on external claims – wherever or whomever they may come from. This is what I’m committed to.”

Daniela Decurtins

"Das Bildungssystem ist das Fundament, auf dem Wohlstand und Zusammenhalt unseres Landes aufbaut. Die Universität Zürich ist dabei ein zentraler Dreh- und Angelpunkt. Um frühzeitig gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen zu identifizieren und Studierende entsprechend auszubilden, braucht es nicht nur Exzellenz in Forschung und Lehre. Es braucht auch die Verankerung in der Gesellschaft und die Fähigkeit zu vermitteln und umzusetzen, um Wirkung zu erzielen. Nur so bleibt eine Universität auch in Zukunft erfolgreich"

Andreas Dudler

"Als grosse Volluniversität ist die Universität Zürich ein Key-Player in der tertiären Bildung und Forschung der Schweiz. Motivierte Lernende, innovative Lehrende und Forschende nutzen die moderne Infrastruktur für Spitzenleistungen mit internationaler Ausstrahlung. Damit und mit der gelebten Partnerschaft mit der Wirtschaft leistet die Universität einen Beitrag zur Lösung der globalen Herausforderungen und zur Stärkung unseres Lebens und Wirtschaftraumes. Dazu nutzt sie auch ihre Autonomie und die ihr anvertrauten Mittel."

Beat Hotz-Hart

"The University of Zurich’s political autonomy allows it to achieve excellence in research-based teaching as well as in research and the transfer of knowledge – and thus to maintain its position as an internationally leading university. The University motivates its students, PhD candidates, and staff to think and act responsibly and critically, while giving them space to develop creative solutions. In addition, the University contributes to mastering pressing social challenges, to improving the quality of life, and to safeguarding our natural resources. As such, UZH contributes positively to the development of the greater Zurich area and fulfills its responsibility in strengthening society and the economy in Switzerland."

Antonio Loprieno

"Switzerland’s higher education institutions are typologically and content-wise more diverse than those of its neighboring countries, yet they are also more coherent in terms of academics and the programs offered. The University of Zurich plays a pioneering role in this landscape because it has the most diverse range of studies in the whole of Switzerland, but also due to its internationally leading position in numerous areas of research. As such, the Board of the University is confronted with a dual challenge: Our overarching aim is to ensure the outstanding quality of scholarship at the University of Zurich, thus contributing to the international reputation of Switzerland’s higher education system on the whole."

Petra S. Hüppi

“Education, knowledge transfer and research in medicine are the cornerstone of all medical care. Without these activities, we would not be able to meet the needs of a society that is constantly developing. The role of a university is to ensure the availability of specialist knowledge about health and diseases. In many areas of medicine, the underlying scientific principles are incomplete, and it is paramount that we investigate them. With the University Medicine Zurich initiative, the University of Zurich has built an environment that focuses on innovation and cooperation in the medical arena. It has thus created an unprecedented education and research cluster of excellence in the life sciences.”

Franziska Widmer Müller

“The University of Zurich is one of the largest successful comprehensive universities that carry out exceptional work both on the national and international stage. Its main strength lies in its wide range of programs, at the Bachelor’s, Master’s as well as the PhD level. The seven faculties at UZH also train future teachers, who in turn make sure that their students – thoroughly prepared and equipped with the necessary skills – can dive into their preferred area of study. This recipe for success must continue to be strengthened and promoted for the benefit of Switzerland as a center of first-class education.”

Members without the Right to Vote

Executive Board of the University

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman, President
  • Prof. Dr. Gabriele Siegert,Vice President Education and Student Affairs
  • Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Stark, Vice President Research
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger, Vice President Faculty Affairs and Scientific Information
  • Prof. Dr. Beatrice Beck Schimmer, Vice President Medicine
  • M.A. HSG Daniel Hug, Director of Finances
  • Dipl. Bauing. François Chapuis, Director of Real Estate and Facility Management

Representatives of the Professorial Staff

  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Diggelmann
  • Dep. Prof. Dr. Mireille Schnyder

Representative of the Students

Lukas Buser

Representative of the Junior Researchers

Hannah Schoch

Representative of the Senior Researchers and Teaching Staff

Dr. Philip Zimmermann

Representative of the Administrative and Technical Staff

Christina Wentz

Representative of the Cantonal Department of Health

Dr. med. Peter Indra, Director, Cantonal Office of Health

Representative of the Hospital Advisory Board USZ

André Zemp, Chair of the Hospital Advisory Board USZ

Weiterführende Informationen

Board of the University News Releases