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Fees and Contributions

Application Fee Amount in CHF
Bachelor's and Master's Degree, Teaching Diploma and Doctoral Studies 100.—
Surcharge for late application (Bachelor's Degree with Swiss Qualification only) 300.—

Application fees will not be refunded.

Students from other Swiss universities who apply as part of a mobility program and students do not pay application fees.

Tuition Fee per Semester Amount in CHF
Students 720.—
PhD students 150.—
Surcharge for foreign students at Bachelor level 500.—
Surcharge for foreign students at Master, PhD level or in Teacher training 100.—
Mandatory Semester Contributions Amount in CHF
Scholarship Fund for students of the University of Zurich 6.50


Libraries and collections 15.—
Academic Sports Association Zurich 35.—
Student concerns 2.50
Total Mandatory Semester Contributions 59.—
Voluntary Semester Contributions Amount in CHF
Student Body Loan Association» foundation (German only) 7.—
Solidarity Fund for foreign Students 5.—
Membership Fee University of Zurich Student Association VSUZH (German only) 14.—

You can indicate at "My Enrollment and Personal Data" in the student portal  at all times within the specified periods whether you wish to continue paying the contributions or not.

Withdrawal from the University

Withdrawal of enrollment and reimbursement of semester fees already paid are possible until 15 October for the Fall Semester and 15 March for the Spring Semester. Please note the information on the following web page: Withdrawing from the University. A processing fee of CHF 50.-- will be charged.

Weiterführende Informationen

Related topics

Students in financially challenging situations can contact the Student Financial Aid Office. 

Please note: We can only financially support prospective Master's students who have a Swiss Bachelor's degree.

Legal Basis on Tuition and Fees

Student Administration Fees and Semester Contributions

All office fees as well as the compulsory and voluntary semester contributions are regulated in the appendix to the admission regulations.